Taste, Creativity & Design.. that's what I love about food!


Coconut Milk Chocolate Pudding

I can remember it like it was yesterday.. 

Sitting on the floor, huddled up with girlfriends in front of the fireplace on a cold winter's night. 
Home made chocolate pudding.. the one that you made with the recipe from the the Hershey's Cocoa can. I don't think pudding ever tasted so good! For some reason, it's that particular event that is re-played in my mind time and time again when I make pudding for my kids. 

It's been a breezy few days here on the West Coast.. a moderate in temperature Spring day. Comfort and warmth was on the menu! (we like our pudding still a little warm) :)

I have been wanting to try making the pudding dairy free, but i'll be honest with you.. I can't imagine pudding without the luxury of the richness of egg yolks, so as of now.. it's only milk free. I did see some dairy free and vegan recipes out there, and I'm sure I'll try them someday.. but today it's with yokes!

Chocolate Pudding | Made with Coconut Milk
Recipe adapted from Tyler Florence

2 cups whole fat coconut milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup natural cocoa powder
4 teaspoons cornstarch
3 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon fine salt

Put 1 1/2 cups of the milk, the sugar, and the cocoa in a nonreactive saucepan. Bring to a simmer, over medium-high heat. Remove from the heat.

Meanwhile, whisk the remaining 1/2 cup of the milk, cornstarch, salt, egg yolks, and vanilla in a bowl. Gradually whisk the hot milk into the egg mixture. Return to the saucepan and cook over medium-high heat whisking constantly, until the pudding comes to a full boil. Reduce the heat to maintain a simmer, and continue whisking until thick, about 2 or 3 minutes more.

While I was taking photos, I asked my Bella if she would go into the garden and choose some flowers to style with the pudding shoot. This was her choice.. perfect!! :) 

Have a favored day!!


  1. Laurie... simply beautiful!!! We are a dairy-free (almost vegan but will definitely eat egg for something like this household) and this recipe is printed and on the top of my "must try" pile!! Neither of my kids can have dairy, and this one really looks fabulous. Thank you!

    1. Thank You Kim! I didn't know you all were dairy free! This blog is dedicated to more of the food intolerant people out there.. like I'm becoming in my old age! :)
      Thank you for visiting! I have missed you, but enjoy keeping up with Liv!! xoxo
